
10 Easy Things You Can Do Today To Start Loving The Home You Have

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Have you got your sights set on a total home makeover a la HGTV? Or are you just wanting to spruce up your space a bit? Achieving an improved experience at home doesn’t have to be the enormous renovation project that everyone makes it out to be.

Everything is outdated.
This house will take years to update.
I’ll never be able to make this space look the way I want it to.

Sound familiar?

You’re not alone. Believe it or not, thoughts like these are common whether you’re decorating your first apartment or a longtime homeowner. We all have lists of projects we’d like to do to upgrade our living environments.

But thinking you need to DO IT ALL is definitely holding you back from enjoying your home now.

When we bought our first house, my list of “someday” projects was a mile long. I felt like no amount of DIY projects would ever get me to the end result I desired.

Since then, I’ve learned a lot about making a beautiful home. And the most important lesson I want to share with you is this:

You will love your home more if you focus on the small, meaningful details that improve your daily experience rather than a far-off future wishlist.

So sit back in your favorite chair and get ready to learn 10 actionable ways to start loving the home you have without having to schedule a demo day.

Yes, you can learn to be more content with your current space, and I’m going to show you how.

#1. Set Realistic Goals And Focus On One Space at a Time To Start Loving The Home You Have More

When you have the mindset “I need to overhaul my whole house,” it can be easy to get lost in the details and forget about what you’re really trying to achieve in each space.

Your goals for refining the spaces around you should always be front and center.

  • How do I want this space to feel?
  • How do I need this space to function better?
  • How do I want to live here?

If you lose sight of these things, you risk becoming discouraged, overwhelmed – or giving up altogether.

Clients often come to me knowing that they want to make a change in their environment, but mistakenly think they need to do it all at once.

I used to try to accommodate their wishes, but recently I have switched to a slower, more systematic model where I encourage them to focus on one or two spaces at a time.

The result?

  • Clients are more likely to finish each space.
  • The process is more enjoyable.
  • The financial investment is more managable (since you can spread it out over time).

The act of setting a goal for your space and pouring your effort and energy into achieving that goal is a shortcut to loving your home more. The more intention, energy and effort you pour into your surroundings, the more invested you will feel.

#2. Keep It Clean

Did you think you’d make it through this list without me telling you to pick up your junk?

Well, sorry to disappoint ‘ya, but none of the more glamorous stuff matters if your house is a mess. Living with clutter and dirty surfaces is stressful and it’s hard to feel truly happy and at home in your surroundings if you can’t find what you need.

It’s a whole lot more enjoyable – and relaxing – to sit back and savor your time at home in a clean and clutter-free space.

Easy Ways To Keep Your House Cleaner

Here are a few manageable (yet mighty) tips to help you transition into your “clean girl era” :

Make your bed

It takes maybe 2 minutes and starts your day off on the right foot.

Wake Your House Up And Put It To Sleep

This means take 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before bed at night to reset your house. For my personal routine this looks like unloading the dishwasher, cleaning up the breakfast dishes, wiping the counter, and starting a load of laundry most mornings. Then I try to load and run the dishwasher, clear and wipe the counters, and pick up the main living spaces before going to bed each night. Give yourself 15 minutes (set a timer) and get what you can done. These little bursts of effort adds up over the course of the week, I promise.

Do A Walkthrough

At least once a month, grab a box and walk through the house looking for items that need to go- whether that means donations, trash, recycling… the destination can vary. But you have to make a habit of removing unused, unwanted, and unnecessary items if you want to keep a clean house.

Build In Accountability

If you can swing it, hire a cleaning service to come in, even if it’s just once a month.

Simply knowing that someone is coming helps prompt you to discard paper piles, clear off the laundry counter, and just generally tidy up things you otherwise might let slide. Yes, it’s a luxury, but the motivation it gives you to stay on top of things might make it worthwhile for you.

If you can’t afford to hire help, perhaps you could make a bi-weekly cleaning date with a friend or family member – switch off which house you clean every other time… you get to hang out AND help each other stay accountable. Win-win!

Need more accountability?

I offer private in-person and virtual coaching sessions to help guide you through Exactly what to do to meet your goals.

#3. Remember to Display Things You Love

You may be thinking to yourself, “Sure, I can clean things up but it’s the decorating part that’s hard”, but I bet you’ve overlooked one SUPER EASY thing you can do to start loving the home you have more.

Start small (and add tons of soul to your space) by finding ways to display meaningful items that you already have.

I read an interesting article by Gina Vild via Psychology Today. She speaks about the benefits of reliving happy memories and discusses a study done on the topic. Vild notes that, “…research showed that those who intentionally recall and savor positive memories experience a greater enjoyment of life.”

And guess what?!?

Displaying collected items that help you remember happy travels, joyful moments with family and friends, and special periods in your past is an easy way to do just that.

I recently helped a client decorate and asked her to pull out everything she owned that might work to style the space so we didn’t have to go out and buy too many new things. She produced lots of interesting southwestern pottery that we never would have been able to find in a store AND an enormous collection of little carved turtles that had been stuffed in boxes for decades.

I helped her pull alllll the turtles out and I filled a large shelving unit with them. On display, the little army of colorful turtles told the story of her life – all the travels that led her to these unique pieces and all the years of life that spanned the time she had been collecting. When she saw them her face absolutely lit up – those turtles were never meant to live in storage!

You will thank me later when you walk by your grandfather’s favorite painting, or the vintage gumball machine from your childhood sitting on the shelf. You’ll smile when you walk past that display of thoughtfully selected travel photos and reminisce about those trips. You will be glad you are surrounded by things that have meaning to you, and that you decorated with intention.

  • Art/Objects you have made by hand
  • Things that represent an accomplishment in your past (like a medal)
  • Items that pertain to your favorite places and hobbies, or
  • Objects that represent colors or forms that you find beautiful. For example, I collect art that represents nature and it brings me endless peace and joy.

#4. Always, Always, Always Open the Windows

No matter what you do each day, always take the time to open up your windows and let the daylight in, because sunlight boosts your energy and mood

If you feel skeptical about this, just remember that little things often make the biggest difference. And this is a BIG little thing that you can do right now to start feeling happier at home (and loving the home you have more in the process).

The benefits of Sunlight

In this article , Healthline explains some of the positive effects that sunlight can have on our happiness and mood, including:

  • An increase in the production of Serotonin
  • Decrease in depression
  • Health Benefits for certain conditions
  • Increased Vitamin D production

If you’re not already in the habit of opening your curtains or blinds first thing when you wake up, give it a try! I do this when I am “waking up the house” as I mentioned earlier.

I find that this helps wake me up and improves my mood greatly throughout the day. As someone who has dealt with depression throughout my life, I can say that this has helped me personally. It makes a difference in my overall mood… and that helps me feel more happy at home.

#5. Avoid Overhead Lights

Natural sunlight isn’t the only light we need to talk about. We need to have a conversation about “the big light.”

Bright overhead lights serve a purpose. Occasionally, you may need to have all those can lights on. But many interior designers and home stylists will tell you – those times should be the exception, not the rule if you want your home to feel soft, cozy and inviting.

But how the heck do I light my house if I can’t turn the lights on?

Lamps, my friend. Lamps of all kinds.

Start with one. A floor lamp in the corner is a good place to start. Or a table lamp on a side table, buffet or console.

Put it where you want a soft light for reading early in the mornings or before bed in the evenings. Then gradually start adding more as you come across them.

a few lamp tips:

  • Tuck tiny lamps on unexpected surfaces (like the corner of your kitchen counter or in your laundry room, perhaps).
  • Look for great deals during online sales, and fun fashion lamps at home discount stores.
  • Pay attention to the general shape and try to get a good mix of tall, skinny silhouettes and shorter, wider shapes.
  • Buy vintage lamps at thrift stores and purchase new white shades for them.
  • Wireless, rechargeable lamps (and wall sconces) are easy to find and don’t require an outlet, so they can go anywhere!
  • You can buy smart bulbs and program them to automatically turn off and on at certain times… like magic!

#6. Upgrade Something In Your Daily Routine

Do you know you could start loving the home you have more by making simple upgrades to one tiny corner? What are you waiting for? 

Consider this your official permission slip to make a small investment in something just for you. Pick a small area that plays a big part in your personal daily routine. I did this with my skincare station (see below) and it was such a fun upgrade!

Some Ideas:

(Click the links for some past blog posts I’ve done with some ideas and examples).

The quick + dirty version for those who are busy: 

  • Clean/Clear The Space
  • Set it up in a functional way that will make the items as organized and accessible as possible to make your life easier
  • Add a touch of luxe, like an upgraded organizing accessory or appliance, an unexpected piece of art, or something that feels fancy… just for fun.

A Quick + Easy Example

The whole process can often be done in 20-30 minutes. An example of how I recently applied this concept for one of my clients was in her master closet. We cleared a surface on her dresser and created a “dressing station” where we added a lamp, a piece of art, and trays to store her jewelry and accessories in a beautiful and easy-to-access display.

Here’s an example of this “dressing station” concept in my own closet:

Start Loving The Home You Have By Adding Fresh Plants And Flowers To Your Daily Routine

Which “just for you” space would you like to upgrade in your home?

#7. Do You Ever buy Yourself Flowers?

Look, I hear you, flowers can be expensive. And they don’t last long. I’ve gone the practical route too and kept walking right past that grocery store floral department. 

However, if you are looking for something small and actionable you can do today to start loving the home you have more… there is NOTHING easier than bringing some greenery into your home.

Don’t doubt me, friends. If it’s been awhile since you’ve done this… just do it already! 

This definitely doesn’t mean you have to send yourself expensive bouquets of long stemmed roses. In fact, that isn’t sustainable or repeatable, and I want you to turn this into a HABIT. It’s something nice you can do for yourself, and the life greenery brings to a space can definitely help you start loving the home you have even more! So in this section, I’m sharing some of my favorite doable ways to breathe more life into your space via plants:

House Plants

If you’re a newbie, start slowly. Go to a plant shop, florist or local greenhouse and speak to someone about plants that might be right for you and your home’s light conditions.

When I was a newlywed, a co-worker gifted me a “Mother-In Law’s Tongue” (AKA snake plant) and when I joked about my green thumb, she assured me it was hard to kill. She was right. Despite my neglect, the plant survived. I now have several and can definitely recommend them as a starting point!

In addition to adding contrast, movement and an organic element to your space for design purposes, plants are said to help with air purification (bonus!). I will warn you though, they can become addictive once you get the hang of keeping them alive…

Start Loving The Home You Have By Adding Fresh Plants And Flowers To Your Daily Routine

Local Farm Stands/Growers

More and more fresh local flower stands pop up in our area every year, and I bet the same can be said where you live. There is a resurgence in small scale, local flower farming at the moment… which is great news if you’re trying to bring fresh flowers into your home on a more regular basis.

Many of these offer self-serve bouqet stands and some even offer CSA (community supported agriculture) subscriptions that guarantee you regular blooms during the growing season. For those who can’t garden, this is an amazing way to get garden-fresh flowers AND support local growers in your community.

Simply type “CSA NEAR ME” to find local farmers who offer these subscriptions!

Small Cutting Garden

If you have a little land and access to water, you can grow your own cutting garden.

You can go simple (throw a handful of native wildflower seeds on the dirt, water and wait!) or you can start with a raised bed, seed packets, and more of a plan.

Or do both, like I do!

I am obsessed with VegoGarden raised bed planters.

There are several in my backyard, and I use them for growing flowers, veggies, and herbs. Our yard has poor clay soil, and this has been an easy way to grow hundreds of flowers with relatively low effort each season.

Start Loving The Home You Have By Adding Fresh Plants And Flowers To Your Daily Routine


Think wildflowers, pretty branches, and lilacs growing wild by the side of the road. Also- think about the trees, bushes and shrubs growing in your own yard!

A handful of pretty branches in a jar make a long lasting and free natural arrangement.

(Just make sure you are being respectful of others’ property and following local laws!).


Finally, don’t forget to support your local florists! Many local florists are willing to work within your design preferences and budget to create beautiful arrangements for special occasions. A professional arrangement is a lovely way to treat yourself.

#8. Good News: Aromatherapy Can Instantly Upgrade Your Environment and Even Boost Your Mood

Don’t worry, I’m not trying to recruit you to help me sell essential oils (although I am a huge fan). I’m just here to say… scent is an underrated tool when it comes to improving your home environment.

Part of what makes aromatherapy so effective if you want to start loving the home. you have more is that it’s so easy to do. 

First things first, a clean and well ventilated house is a must. You don’t want to simply cover up odors. Sweep, mop, dust and open your windows!

Beyond that you get to add some personality. I love picking one scent and repeating it in layers throughout the space (once at the entry, again in the living space, and perhaps even in other unexpected areas, like the powder room).

There are lots of great ways to deliver your chosen scent:

  • Clean burning candles (check ingredient lists)
  • Essential oil or reed diffusers
  • Wax melts
  • Scenting systems such as Aera or Pura

#9. Rearrange Your Furniture

People who visit my house often remark, “It looks different every time I come here!”

Take it from me, a certified rearrangaholic… finding the best possible furniture arrangement for your house doesn’t always happen the first time (usually even the second time).

If you’re feeling blah about a space, mix it up and move it around. I’m often SHOCKED at the improvement this can create for clients in a very short time during our design sessions.

  • Try swinging your headboard to a different wall.
  • Switch the location of your couch (or at least pull if a few inches away from the wall) .
  • Add a chair from another room.
  • Put your desk in an unexpected place.
  • Move a side table up from the basement.

Use what you already have in new and different ways. If you don’t like it, you can always move it back!

#10. Romanticize Your Life at home

Loving the home you have, as is, can be hard in this day of internet influencing and relentless consumerism. If you’ve done allll the mood boosting, space improving stuff above and it still isn’t working… you might need to fake it ’til you make it.

Here’s a little mental game I play that will help you start loving the home you have more. I call it “Movie Me.”

You’re supposed to be the leading lady in your own life, for God’s sake!

-Kate Winslet as Iris, The Holiday

PLay pretend

There’s this scene in Father of the Bride II where Nina Banks is cooking dinner in the home’s cozy kitchen. Etta James is playing softly in the background of an otherwise ordinary evening, and she’s completely immersed in chopping her vegetables. The place isn’t spotless, but everything is calm and she’s completely content with her task. She’s having a moment.

Even as a kid I loved this romantic version of real life. Now that I’m an adult, I seek to recreate little scenes like this as often as I can. When the mood strikes, I pretend I’m creating a cinema worthy moment for “movie me.”

You can do this too.

Most of the time, I bet you simply throw together a quick dinner, call it good and move on with your night. But how would “it feel instead to fully immerse yourself in the process of”movie you” go about preparing the meal?

Movie character you might approach the task more slowly, intentionally, and with a bit more attention to ambience.

Whenever possible, try to romanticize your life as it is right now in the home you have… and you will find that you will start loving the home you have more and more.

Want to build your skills even more?

Come learn

with me!

If you’re tired of second-guessing yourself and trying (unsuccessfully) to finish decorating your house… my online program Styling Soulful Spaces might be the perfect solution for you!

This self-paced course is designed to be completed in 4-weeks, and walks you through everything you need to know to update the 4 spaces clients request help with most: Entry, Living Room, Kitchen, and Bedroom.

A month from now you could be walking through the door and feeling completely different in totally refreshed spaces.

There you have it! 

Home love is my absolute favorite topic, because I truly believe that if you want to live a happier life, your mindset is the greatest tool you have.

Do you have any simple ideas I may have missed? Share your top tip to start loving the home you have more in the comments below!

If you’re still looking for more design help, get in touch here . There are no silly questions, and I am always happy to hear from you. 

For more projects to help you start loving the home you have, check out the posts below:

Finally, I created a room-by-room shopping checklist to help you get started making a plan for decorating and updating your spaces if that’s on your list of future projects. 

Enter your name and email to download the free decorating checklist now!

Thanks for being here! As always, I’d love to hear from you! Drop a comment below or send me a message if you’d like to chat about anything I mentioned in this post.


What I can do for you

Mood Boards

If you need general ideas to get you going, I can create a mood board to help you determine a style for your space.

1-on-1 Help

With an in-person or virtual consultation, we can discuss your unique needs and find specific solutions for your space.


I pin lots of design and organizing content from around the web on my Pinterest page! Get inspired!

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