Free Fall Bucket List
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Fall Bucket List Challenge

I’m excited to share my Fall Bucket List Challenge with you in honor of the arrival of Fall!

Love it or hate it, the fall season is bursting with opportunities to make memories with family and friends. The weather may be getting cooler, but don’t let that stop you from getting out there and noticing all the little excuses for joy that can be found in this season.

With schedules full of appointments and activities, it can be hard to make time for leisure. That’s just the way it is. The “have to dos” have a way of suffocating the “want to dos.”

Enter the Fall Bucket List

List making is a powerful tool for goal setting. Have you ever sat down on New Year’s day and made a list of all the things you’d like to accomplish during the upcoming year?

Well… a bucket list is a lot like that. Except instead of work, you’re prioritizing leisure. This may seem frivolous, but it is actually a key component to creating a happier, more balanced life.

It is generally accepted that to be successful, we must formulate our goals in terms of something known as the SMART framework. Goals should be:

  • S– Specific
  • M– Measurable
  • A– Achievable
  • R– Relevant
  • T– Time Based

A fall bucket list fits this format perfectly. It offers specific tasks or activities to complete that are not extremely complicated to pull off (read: achievable). They are relevant to the season by nature (and if you are drafting your own personal list, they will be relevant to your own lifestyle, needs, and desires). Because of the seasonal element you have a limited timeline to accomplish them (meaning they are also inherently time-based).

What is on a Fall Bucket List?

As a personal organizer, I have focused the bucket list for this challenge partially on organizing related activities (there is one simple home organizing project, an organized plan for hosting a small party, and several other planning activities).

But in an effort to keep it achievable, I’ve also included several little things that are just for fun. No heavy lifting required. And believe it or not, these seemingly frivolous things actually have a purpose as well: cultivating mindfulness.

Fall Bucket List Guide Overview

Next to organizing, mindfulness is my favorite subject at the moment..

Over the past year, I have noticed an infinite increase in my personal happiness that has nothing to do with my material circumstances or the behavior of others. It has everything to do with me noticing the little things that bring me joy and reveling in that feeling as I experience it.

I wish that for you too!

Burning a candle every day seems common. But if you do it with intention and gratitude, it begins to feel like a special gift you’re giving to yourself. It becomes something extraordinary. This is the mindset I would love for you to focus on building this fall.

note: If anything on this list seems like it is NOT relevant to your family, your lifestyle, or your goals… then sub it out! This is meant to be a guide. Make it your own.

Here’s Where the Challenge Comes In

I wrote this list… but I created it with YOU in mind.

Wouldn’t it be fun if we all collectively joined in and shared our joy? Our success? I don’t know about you, but I love the feeling of working through a challenge or trial with a community of likeminded women. The positive energy that manifests is REAL and so, so powerful.

So here’s the challenge: We have 10 weeks until Thanksgiving. I’m challenging you to complete each item on the list before Thanksgiving Day.

You can jump in and do it all at once, or you can follow along with me as I break down each fall bucket list item down in a weekly blog post and email series throughout the season.

I’m asking you to invest about an hour each week to accomplish these tasks. Some weeks will take a little more, some will take a little less.

If that seems like something. you’d like to try, here’s how to get started:

1.) Download the guide.

Click the button below to download the eBook. It contains the complete guide to each activity in the challenge, including photos and suggested resources.

2.) Join The Group

No matter when this challenge finds you, we would love to have you join our private Facebook Challenge Group. Click here to join the conversation and gain access to weekly videos and support.

Once you’re in…speak up and share your experiences! That is the MOST POWERFUL aspect of doing something like this as a part of a community.

3.) Check your email

I will be sending a weekly email with bonus content and encouragements as we complete this together.

That’s it! The challenge begins now and will run through Thanksgiving. I look forward to connecting with you in the challenge group and as always, feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

I look forward to checking things off the Fall Bucket List together. Let the magic begin!

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  1. Thank you, Suzette. Great list! Best wishes from Pinky Jackson, your Pro Organizer sister in Louisville, KY!

    1. suzettegebhardt says:

      Thank you Pinky! I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment…wishing you a wonderful week.

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